uint32_t identifier
Identifier for the GPU.
uint32_t device_id
Device id for the PCI device.
uint32_t slot
Slot for the PCI device.
uint32_t sub_vendor_id
Sub vendor id for the PCI device.
uint32_t bus
Bus for the PCI device.
uint32_t sub_device_id
Sub device id for the PCI device.
uint32_t vendor_id
Vendor id for the PCI device.
uint32_t domain
Domain for the PCI device.
Mediated Device Request Structure.
uint32_t map_vid_size
Mappable video size (IN MEGABYTES).
const char * name
Name of the GPU.
uint8_t ecc_support
If the Mediated GPU has ECC supported.
uint32_t bar1_len
Bar 1 Length.
uint8_t multi_mdev
If multiple mdevs supported.
uint32_t max_inst
Max number of mediated GPUs.
uint64_t v_dev_id
Virtual device id.
uint32_t fb_res
Frame buffer reserved (IN MEGABYTES).
uint64_t p_dev_id
Physical device id.
uint32_t fb_len
Frame buffer length (IN MEGABYTES).
uint32_t num
Number of the mdev.
const char * gpu_class
GPU Class structure.
struct VirtDisplay * disp
Virtual display structure.
uint32_t frl_config
Frame rate limiter.
uint32_t max_res_y
Max resolution Y.
uint32_t frl_enable
If we use the frame rate limiter.
uint32_t max_res_x
Max resolution X.
uint32_t num_heads
Number of monitor heads.