Control Mechanism for the NVIDIA GPU.
struct NvResource * sdev
uint32_t device
Device id for controlling the physical gpu.
uint32_t sub_device
Sub device id.
struct Gpu * gpu
GPU structure corresponding to the GPU.
int mdev_fd
Mdev file descriptor.
int ctl_fd
Control Nvidia control file description.
uint32_t mdev_config
Configurator for mdev devices.
uint32_t root
Initial client.
int dev_fd
Device Nvidia file descriptor.
struct NvResource * mdev
Mdev device.
struct NvResource * dev
Structure for managing the mediated stack.
int fd
Control file descriptor.
struct NvMdevGpu * gpus[32]
Available GPUs.
struct NvResource * res
Resource tree.
Resource for managing NVIDIA kernel module objects.
struct NvResource * next
Next child on the level.
void * class_info
Class info for the resource.
uint32_t rm_class
Class of the resource.
uint32_t client
All resources require a client/root.
uint32_t parent
Parent of the resource.
struct NvResource * child
Child of the resource.
uint32_t object
Object of the resource.